Oct 23, 2008

Today is Still Rainy

I have just come back from dinner, and before that, I completed teaching my Second Grade Middle Schoolers. And man, are they annoying. None, not one of them can direct their attention toward me for than thirty seconds. Every game, activity, or lesson I have planned stimulates no interest in them and their effort, even compared with the other Middle Schoolers, is absolutely deplorable. I can understand not having strong English skills. Its my job to improve those skills but when the class is wholly uncooperative and has not even the slightest inclination to exert any type of effort, I don't know what I can do. I feel that I am failing these kids. I want so badly to teach these students properly but they have to meet me half way by giving me at least their attention and that's not happening. I spend 90 percent of my time trying to settle down the class. The pushup method of discipline, which works well with other classes, does not work. When I discipline them, they either laugh at me and do nothing or do unsatisfactory pushups, and never more than five. Tonight I had to get down and show them what an actual pushup is, and did 35 myself. I challenged the boys, who thought is was funny to see me doing pushups, that if anyone could do more than I, I would buy that person ice cream at that school canteen. Well, after a number of students dropping at under thirty, this big ox of a boy, was able to beat me by five. During this whole competition there was utter silence among everyone, which to me was absolutely golden. However, what educational value is there to pushup contest? I really need to figure out how to handle this bloody class. Oh well.

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