Oct 28, 2008

This Past Weekend

This past weekend was uneventful for the most part. Saturday, I went into Seoul, had lunch with Paul at a dumpling joint in Insadong, bought some Christmas presents for family and friends. It will take a while for them to get back home so I figure I will start sending them out in November. I think everyone will really like what I have gotten them. They're things you really won't find anywhere else in the world, real handsome pieces. After that, Paul and I came back to Ganghwa. I made some Indian style curry, and some Gin and Tonics, and invited my neighbour over for dinner but not come. Later Paul broke open his bottle of Jameson he had gotten while he was in Ireland last week. I found it funny that a Jameson is much more expensive in Ireland than the U.S. Its 46 euros, apparently which is absolutely appalling. But, it was definitely good to have some decent whiskey. There isn't too much of that out here on Ganghwa. Sunday, I stayed on Gangwha and went to church at Sts. Peter and Paul, which is always an interesting experience. The liturgy there is very High Church, with full Catholic vestments and incense and Anglican plain chant. The service is thorough Anglo-Catholic, like the Advent in Boston. However, despite the extreme English atmosophere, including all the old hymns, it is in Korean. It is very odd. Well, its time to get to some teaching

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