Dec 15, 2008

Poem for Robin

Should I post this or should I not. Oh well, it has been done:
From the high vaulted ceiling of the night,
the myriad stars set within Heavens' dome,
though dimmed across the aether's bound and by
the ill weakness of our eyes now pursued,
shine for us only this night, though all Seoul,
does sleep beneath the same celestial cover.
O Lover! (And yes, you are my lover),
let me take your hand, let me hold you close.
Let me, now, in my failing French proclaim,
“Je t'aime.” And at your blushing reply,
raising your head to mine, I will kiss you,
our embrace becoming ever closer
and this, our love-fever ever hotter,
cooled only by the chill of the starry night.


Anonymous said...


moose lady said...

WOW, you have made your mother blush. I am glad for the two of you, life in Korea must be whole lot better